This video and the previous video posted under the title Awakening from the Meaning Crisis are both introductory videos into John Vervaekes ideas about why we find a lack of meaning in our lives and what can be done about it. In this video, John starts to build the historical argument for enlightenment and what it means for us to become wise people.
I find this line of thought developed by John Vervaeke to be very helpful in examining myself and understanding my responses to things that are happening in the world. The need for self-reflection is at the heart of what Vervaeke calls autopoiesis (self-production) and what it means for us to be capable of self-production. As I try to create myself out of myself it is the depth and breadth of self-examination I'm capable of that truly matters in how much I can actually transform myself into something I agree with.
I hope this video opens your eyes to a type of thought that I find very beneficial in relation to achieving my goals.