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Every seed planted Doesn't turn into Something special I've planted things That didn't grow at all... even. I've spent Way too much time Stressing over people That I will never see again And put up way too much effort Into making amends Just to never speak again. Fear, and Self-hate That's all she knew, So he passed it on too... These parts Dont make a man whole Thats true, But part of the ruse Was to know some of the history And never connect to yo roots... Mama's touch Healed the many bruises, So he was Empowered by his youth. This is what I came up on So this is what I give to you... You got to Plant like a gardener And grow like a tree And sometimes we find solace When we say what we mean. Cause not every plant Turns into something special But sometimes they do. Be blessed And be a blessing But dont get comfortable In life you either win Or learn a lesson So take this token Of truth The best has yet to happen, it all starts with you. Plant the seed

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