A fun 31-day challenge that should help get your creative juices flowing. If you make it to the end of the challenge we have a small gift for you, as a little token of our appreciation. There will be daily action items that each writer will need to complete. We have to hold ourselves accountable, so be sure to hit your marks before moving forward. The idea isn’t for you to do all 31 steps in a day, a week, or even two weeks. We want you to utilize these exercises to keep your brain sharp over an extended period of time, as oppose to hyper flexing it for a short duration. This isn’t homework! And to make sure we are constantly evolving the program we also want feedback at the end of each step and/or a copy of your exercise. This program is geared toward new to intermediate writers and it may be help high-school and college students. Who can join? — Anyone can join, but here are some examples: Poets Storytellers Lyricists Songwriters Play Writers Authors Creative Writers + It is $10 to get in on the challenge, but if you make it to the end we’ll give you the $10 back. Hopefully this will motivate you to go hard, otherwise, this will be a great contribution to the I Am Root Collective and Rooted Minds Blog. We are constantly putting on events, writing contests, and finding ways to build a platform for emerging creative artists in our communities. If you have any questions or need any help please contact us on www.iamrootco.com/contact or email media_iarco@outlook.com
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app